Reception's Week! (wb 05.10.2020)
Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 3:54pm
It has been another great week in Reception! We have been learning all about aliens and how much they love underpants! The children have all thoroughly enjoyed our story 'Aliens Love Underpants' and this has fitted in nicely with our ongoing learning about the world.
Thank you so much to everyone who has already sent in their alien which has been made at home. They are almost ready to go on display (after being quarantined) and when it is complete I will send you all a photo!
At home it would be really helpful if you could do lots of counting with your child. First to 10 and back, then to 20 and back. This could be done up and down stairs, finding the correct number of plates to set the table, counting out how many socks there are... I am sure you have lots of good ideas!
Phonics - we have now learnt the following sounds: m a s d t i n p o g c k
These are still tricky for the children to remember. You could make your own flash cards at home and go through them with your child. Please do not use capital letters! Here is a link to Read Write Inc which will show you how we say each sound.