School Meals
School meals are provided and cooked on the premises by our team of welfare staff and assistants. School lunches costs £2.30 per day.
Lunch money is payable in advance through ParentPay.
To view the school lunch menu click here
If a parent thinks they could be entitled to free school meals, a form and further information is available from Rawtenstall Library and the Education Office, East Area Office, The Globe Centre, St. James Square, Accrington BB5 ORE or phone 01254 220502.
Pupils may bring or purchase snacks at morning break time. The kitchen staff provide toast at a minimal cost. Pupils must be responsible for their own money. A fruit scheme operates whereby all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are given a piece of fruit free of charge each day. Sweets and chewing gum should not be brought into school.
Children who prefer to bring a sandwich meal are also accommodated but are asked not to bring drinks in glass containers such as bottles or vacuum flasks. There are many excellent, safe plastic containers now available. We also ask that chocolate bars (such as Mars bars) are not included as part of the packed lunch.
Changes from school meals to sandwiches and vice versa, can o be made at any time and are made by written request from parents.
School Milk and Drinks
The children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes have the opportunity to purchase milk for their break time. Milk is ordered on a termly basis and money is payable the first week of every new term. Water is available throughout the day for all school children.
KS2 children are encouraged to bring in a bottle of water every day and can bring in a healthy snack to eat at break.