‘Every child counts, every moment matters’

Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Nuttall

Y6 class teacher, SENCO and English lead.

Mrs Taylor


Mrs Horridge

Y2 class teacher

Miss Dawson


Hello and a very warm welcome to Year 2!  The teachers in class are Mrs Horridge and Mrs Nuttall . Mrs Horridge will teach Monday-Thursday and Mrs Nuttall will teach on a Friday.  We are really excited to be teaching Year 2 this year and we have lots of exciting learning opportunities planned for the children.  We are joined by Mrs Taylor and Miss Dawson.

Reading Books

Please ensure that your child brings their reading book and wallet to school daily.  A good place for it to live when they are at home is in their book bag.  Please read at home daily to help support their fluency and understanding.  Children change their reading book each Monday.


Spellings are put into reading records weekly and books will be sent home for you to see how your child gets on.


PE days are Thursday and Friday.  Please send your child into school on those day in the correct PE kit and trainers.  On all other days, your child needs to wear school uniform including school shoes.  If your child has a sports club after school, they may wear PE kit on that day too.

Water Bottles

Please send your child to school with a water bottle each day.  Water bottles can be refilled during the day and access to a water fountain is available too.  Please don't send cordial or juice.

Milk, Fruit and Toast

If you wish for your child to have toast at morning play, please pay for this on ParentPay.  Please pay when you get the reminder as the kitchen staff only make enough for the children of the families who pay so there is no spare!  If your child does not want toast, please send a piece of fruit.  Biscuits and cereal bars are not allowed.  Thank you for your support with this.

In the afternoon, milk is available if paid for on Cool Milk.  If you want any information regarding this, please contact the school office.  All children are offered fruit in the afternoon on a daily basis which is provided by school.


Homework will be sent home weekly.


Please feel free to contact me at school by emailing myself, [email protected] or Mrs Nuttall [email protected] if your question needs a quick response, it may be better to contact the school office on 01706 874447.  


Useful Websites:

Timestables Rockstars (Login details in your child's reading record) - https://ttrockstars.com/

Numbots (Login details in your child's reading record) - https://numbots.com/

Oxford Owls - lots of reading and spelling activities ( Login:  Username - BritanniaY2    Password - BritanniaY2) - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students

BBC Bitesize - lots of interesting videos and information for learning across the curriculum - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z3g4d2





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