‘Every child counts, every moment matters’

School Absence

Success and progress at school depend on regular attendance. Lateness or frequent half or whole day absences impair a child’s progress and fosters a poor attitude towards school.

We would ask you to arrange medical or dental appointments outside of school hours or during lunchtime breaks. However, we are aware this may not always be possible. If a child has a medical appointment during school hours, parents should notify school in advance by letter, email, telephone call or personal visit.

An adult must collect any child leaving school for such an appointment. We must stress that shopping trips and hair appointments are not a valid reason for absenting a child from school.

A holiday absence request form is available from the school office, however, the Governors would like to stress that the Headteacher cannot authorise any term-time holidays. All requests for holidays within term time will be recorded as an Unauthorised Absence.

Please find below further information around attendance during the academic year 2020-2021 with regards to recoding attendance in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Government Guidance on Attendance


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