‘Every child counts, every moment matters’

Reception's Celebration Party!


Copy of the email sent today (24.09.2020)


Next Friday (October 2nd) we will be hosting a party as part of our RE topic 'Celebrations'. Mrs Bromley and I will provide all the food and drinks. If your child has allergies we will ensure that they are catered for and not near any food which would cause a reaction. 

The children have already begun to plan this party with us in class and we have a HUGE list of things they think we need! One of the children said we needed coffee! But please know that this will not be there!!!

This week, please talk to your child about different celebrations they have taken part in. Please share in celebrating all the great work that they have been doing in school and discuss how they can earn certificates in class by making the right choices, trying their best, being kind and friendly and just generally being their amazing selves!


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on: [email protected]


Kate Isherwood and Zoe Bromley

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