‘Every child counts, every moment matters’


Lesson: Science

We will be learning all about Skeletons through carrying out exciting scientific investigations, as well as developing our working scientifically skills.

To start our topic off with a bang, we created what we thought a skeleton looked like using dog biscuits. We then thought of some very interesting questions that we wanted to know the answers to.

This week we have been learning about vertebrates (endoskeletons) and invertebrates (exoskeletons and hydrostatic skeletons). We have been working like scientists by sorting and grouping these animals according to their skeletons.

This week has been Science Week in school and we have had lots of exciting visitors.

Adrian Bowen came into school to launch our Science week with a bang…

We then had Kylie from the PDSA who came to talk to us about the PDSA hospital.

Today we have had Zoo Lab! We talked about animals which had different skeletons and got to hold and stroke them.

We have also made slime today! It was very exciting and we had a lot of fun. We learnt about the science behind slime before we made it.

To end Science week, we made ice cream! We learnt about the salt and ice and how this lowers the temperature. We added mini eggs to our ice cream mixtures. We are very excited to eat it when it has frozen on Monday!

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